Womens Safety

Technology Enabled Abuse

This page is dedicated to valuable resources, studies, research projects, survey reports, and articles on the subject of technology enabled abuse. I plan to add more content in the future, but I hope that even at this early stage, it will provide you with new information, help you better support yourself or others, and offer a greater understanding of this critical aspect of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).


Survey Report: “Online Violence Against Women: A Four Nations Study,” by Professor Olga Jurasz, The Open University, 2024

The project is the first comprehensive, large scale and verifiable study examining the phenomenon of OVAW across the UK. It thoroughly examines the scale, impact, and societal attitudes towards OVAW across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It also investigates societal attitudes towards online safety, online behaviours, law and policy responses towards violence against women (online and offline) and public views on responsibilities for preventing and responding to OVAW. The aim of the project is to gather comprehensive and representative data on OVAW in the UK to better understand this pressing issue and for it to inform evidence-based law and policy responses.


Report: “Ending Online Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Women and Girls: A Call for International Standards,”  by Equality Now, 2021

Equality Now’s analysis of laws and policies related to online sexual exploitation and abuse at the national level. Online sexual exploitation and abuse are growing at an alarming pace globally. Women and girls are particularly vulnerable as offenders take advantage of the sex, gender, and structural discrimination inherent in our patriarchal society. International and national laws have not kept pace with changing technology, and this needs to change. Predators are increasingly using social media and other digital platforms to target potential victims because these platforms offer anonymity and operate under very limited regulation. This report, which utilises a survivor-centric approach to illustrate the impact of OSEA and highlight the challenges faced in keeping people safe in a rapidly changing digital landscape, examines the law surrounding OSEA at the international and regional level, with a focus on Europe.

NEVER A VICTIM – The Definitive Guide to Women’s Safety,” written by Robert Kaiser, 2024.

NEVER A VICTIM is the result of over three decades of in-depth understanding of physical and sexual violence against women. This essential resource aims to empower you to trust your innate ability to protect yourself and stay safe. Covering 504 pages and over 110,000 words, it offers proven and reliable advice on all aspects of women’s safety, including technology-enabled abuse.