Womens Safety

A Resource of Invaluable Women's Safety Information

This website offers evidence-based, field-tested advice and invaluable resources dedicated to women’s safety. Every woman deserves to live free from the threat of physical or sexual violence, no matter her attire, level of intoxication, or demeanour. Violence against women is a heinous crime and absolutely unacceptable.

Through this website and my forthcoming book, NEVER A VICTIM: The Definitive Guide to Women’s Safety, I am committed to helping you prevent both physical and sexual violence. The UK edition is expected to be published on 20 November 2024, with an International edition following on 22 January 2025. Both editions will be available in hardcopy and eBook formats, with audiobook versions scheduled for Spring 2025.

While this book spans 507 pages, contains over 110,000 words, and includes numerous safety recommendations designed to enhance women’s safety, I am acutely aware that some suggestions may feel restrictive to your freedom.

Women’s safety can indeed be limiting, sometimes preventing you from doing exactly what you want. Unfortunately, this is an unavoidable reality that I cannot change. You will need to find a balance between enjoying your freedom and ensuring your safety, which may involve doing things differently than you prefer or altering certain behaviours and habits altogether.

If you feel it is unfair and wrong that women must be cautious, careful, and conscious of their actions—limiting what, when, and how they want to do things—I wholeheartedly agree with you. It is unjust that women should have to change and adapt to a world where sexual abuse and physical violence are all too common. While there are many good men, it is men who need to rethink their attitudes and behaviour. Ideally, men would behave differently—much differently at times. It would be good, right, and just if the world were a place where this guide to women’s safety was unnecessary and irrelevant. But sadly, that is not the reality we face today.

So, through this website and my forthcoming book, I aim to empower you to trust in your innate ability to protect yourself and stay safe.


I hope you find the information valuable and empowering. Please return soon to stay updated on new content and resources related to women’s safety. Until then, please take great care of yourself.

Robert Kaiser